How To Squirt With A Vibrator: Your Step-By-Step Guide

Want to learn how to squirt with a vibrator? Uncover tips and techniques to reach the coveted squirting orgasm.

Published Oct 17 2023 8 min read

Ready to unlock the secrets of the ultimate female pleasure? We bet you are! Our comprehensive guide on how to squirt with a vibrator is here to help with that. Vibrators play a transformative role in enhancing pleasure, specifically female pleasure. So, whether you're a curious beginner or a seasoned adventurer, get ready to submerge yourself in a wealth of information, so you can have the mind-blowing experience of squirting with a vibrator.

How to prepare for a squirting orgasm

Before you experience a squirting orgasm, it's essential to get yourself adequately prepared. This preparation phase has two parts: physically preparing for the experience and getting yourself aroused. Let's explore these two parts of preparation to help you have a spectacular squirting experience.

Part 1: Prepare physically for squirting

While admittedly not as sexy as the act of squirting itself, physical preparation is just as vital as the actual act of stimulation. It’s best to get the non-sexy prep out of the way first, and here are some practical tips for helping you prepare for the experience.

1. Hydrate

Staying hydrated is crucial for optimizing your experience. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated and ready. Don’t try to gulp a gallon of water an hour before you plan to play because that might lead to several trips to the bathroom instead. However, dehydration can lead to discomfort and potentially impede arousal, so remember to hydrate before and after your session.

2. Empty your bladder

Make sure to urinate before you start. This can help rule out any unnecessary distractions and allow you to focus on the sensations that come from stimulating yourself.

3. Protect the bedding

Given that squirting can be messy, putting down a towel or a waterproof blanket might be a good idea to protect your bedding. Not every woman gushes a ton of ejaculate like the infamous Lola Jean, but if it’s your first time, you may want to play it safe.

4. Choose a comfortable position

Find a position that allows easy access to control your vibrator. Some people find that lying on their back with their legs spread is an excellent starting position. It’s best to pick a position you are comfortable and familiar with over a new, intriguing position you’ve been wanting to try. Sometimes introducing too many new elements at once can actually prevent arousal and sensate focus.

5. Choose your vibrator

For many women, vibrators can make first-time squirting more accessible. This is because vibrations increase blood flow and sensation, making it easier to get fully aroused. While there is no perfect vibrator for squirting, vibrators that have targeted, powerful motors and adjustable settings, like multiple vibration patterns and intensity levels, can give you more control to set your preferences and control your experience. We recommend Crescendo 2 and Poco as great vibrators for squirting.

Crescendo 2 is the first truly bendable vibrator designed to arouse even the most hidden pleasure points. It bends into a variety of shapes to accommodate different body shapes, sizes, and sex positions. Alongside flexibility, it comes with six powerful motors that are fully customizable with a range of sixteen intensity settings and a catalog of vibration patterns, so there’s definitely a vibe for you.

Poco is the first bendable G-spot vibrator designed to bend like a human finger with the curve necessary to really target the G-spot. This petite powerhouse has two powerful motors and is much smaller than its big sister Crescendo 2. Don’t be fooled though, just because Poco is designed for G-spot stimulation doesn’t mean it can’t do wonders on the clitoris as well.

Part 2: Enhance arousal

Arousal is more than just getting in the mood for sexual activity; it's a critical factor in being able to squirt. When physically aroused, the female body undergo changes that set the stage for sexual pleasure. Blood flow increases to the genitals, the vagina gets wet, the clitoris engorges, the cervix lifts, and erogenous zones, like the G-spot, become more sensitive and receptive to stimulation. That extra sensitivity ramps up the chances of squirting. 

1. Engage in foreplay

Don't underestimate the power of foreplay. Whether through kissing, touching, or oral stimulation, taking the time to become physically aroused can make a big difference. Engaging in activities that arouse you can increase your chances of experiencing a squirting orgasm.

2. Create a relaxing environment

Stress and anxiety can kill the mood. Your environment is critical to your comfort and overall stimulation. Consider your physical comfort, the room's temperature, and other factors that might impact your ability to relax and enjoy the experience. Try creating a relaxing atmosphere with dim lighting, soft tunes, or some scented candles to set the right vibe. The environment plays a significant role in relaxation and arousal, both critical when trying to arouse yourself to the point of squirting. 

3. Stimulate your senses

While squirting is a result of tactile stimulation, there are many forms of stimuli that can help get you aroused like visual or auditory stimuli. Discover what works for you and use it to your advantage. This might involve reading erotic novels, listening to audio porn, or just general music - whatever increases your arousal and sets the mood.

4. Explore your body

Everyone's body is different. What works for one person might not work for another. It's essential to explore and figure out what excites you. The journey of self-discovery can be just as enjoyable as reaching your destination. So, be patient, even though we know you want to squirt, it can take a few times before you hit the waterworks.

Steps to have a squirting orgasm with a vibrator

An important part of learning how to squirt is understanding female pleasure anatomy. So, here’s a quick tutorial about two major erogenous zones that you will be stimulating with a vibrator to squirt: the clitoris and G-spot. The clitoris is a large organ packed with nerve endings that run internally and externally through the vulva and vagina. The entire clitoral structure is much larger than meets the eye. That’s right, the small external nub above your urethra is just the tip of the iceberg known as the clitoris glans. Conversely, the G-spot is located a few inches inside the vagina on the front wall and can provide intense pleasure when stimulated.

Now that we have explained the basics, let's delve into the steps on how to make yourself squirt with a vibrator:

Step 1: Start with clitoral stimulation

Clitoral orgasms are often the primary way many women reach climax. Using a vibrator on the clitoris glans can help with arousal and warming you up for squirting. Explore different techniques of arousing your clitoris, such as drawing circles on your clitoris in clockwise and counterclockwise motions or lateral and vertical motions.

The clitoris glans itself may be too sensitive to directly stimulate, if this is you, try orbiting around the clitoris but not directly touching it with the vibrator. Alternatively, try using the vibrator on your clitoris over your panties or pants.

You have two options with clitoral stimulation - have a clitoral orgasm or edge yourself and progress to step two. There are advantages to both options. Some women prefer to have a clitoral orgasm because it helps ease vaginal penetration for those who may encounter pain, resistance or discomfort with penetration. Edging on the other hand can amplify your arousal and may make it easier to have a squirting orgasm. The choice is yours, but we recommend you experiment with both options to see which you prefer.

Step 2: Progress to G-spot stimulation

To effectively stimulate the G-spot, you'll need a vibrator designed for G-spot pleasure. Those with a curved shape or, even better, the ones you can bend, such as Poco, are often the best to hit the right spot.

Insert the vibrator gradually, directing it towards the belly button. When you locate the spongy area about two inches inside the vagina, you've found your G-spot. Just like arousing the clitoris, there are many methods of G-spot stimulation, so explore and find what works best for you. Try inserting the vibrator in and out in short, quick motions, circular motions, or the classic come hither motion. Intensify the sensation by applying pressure and experimenting with different vibration patterns and intensities to increase arousal.

If you’re new to G-spot stimulation, you may initially feel the sensations of pressure, which may or may not feel uncomfortable. If there’s too much pressure, you may be applying too much force on your G-spot. Try a gentle finesse and gradually work your way into more intense or faster motions.

Step 3: Recognize the signs of squirting and enhance the sensation

Feeling a sensation similar to needing to urinate might come up when stimulating the G-spot. Don't worry; it's normal and often a sign that squirting is coming! While it may be a new and foreign feeling, try to ease into it and don’t tense up. Trust your body!

At this point, you can experiment with adding clitoral stimulation alongside G-spot stimulation. Dual stimulation is easy when you use the bendable Crescendo 2, which allows you to stimulate both the clitoris and G-spot simultaneously. Alternatively, you can stay the course and continue with G-spot stimulation, increasing the intensity and speed to get you to squirt.

Step 4: Practice edging

Edging is the act of getting yourself close to orgasm multiple times before finally climaxing, which can intensify the eventual orgasm and give you enough stimulus to have a squirting orgasm. Think of it as the ultimate tease. Just when you feel yourself about to climax, ease up on the intensity, change the stimulation, or pause stimulation altogether.

Edging with a vibrator gives you an edge (no pun intended) by helping you build anticipation and arousal efficiently and effectively. Take your time, make sure you're in a comfortable position and angle for effective stimulation, and enjoy this edge-of-your-seat exploration.

Tips for squirting with sex toys

Using sex toys like vibrators to squirt can be an exciting and daunting journey for beginners. To navigate this process smoothly, here are some additional tips:

  • Be patient: Not everyone with a vagina squirts during orgasm; even if they do, it can vary in how often and how intense it is. Don't worry if it doesn't happen right away, it's all good. Everyone’s body is unique and responds differently to stimulation. Take your time and remember that practice plays a role in this.
  • Start externally: Before diving into vaginal penetration and stimulation, take time to get to know your body. Use your sex toy to explore the sensations around your clitoris and the surrounding areas. This will help you figure out what feels terrific for you.
  • Use lube: Don't forget to use lube for a smoother and more enjoyable experience. We recommend the Pjur Aqua water-based personal lubricant.
  • Communicate: When you're bringing a partner along for the adventure, it's crucial to have open communication. Ensure they understand what you want, your limits, and how things work. Having their support can make the journey even better and more rewarding.

Remember, learning how to squirt with a sex toy involves building anticipation and arousal, and it's also about enjoying the journey of self-discovery. 


All said and done, learning how to squirt with a vibrator is an empowering journey of self-discovery and sensual exploration. We've discussed various techniques, emphasized the importance of patience, and enlightened you on how sex toys, especially Poco and Crescendo 2, can enhance the squirting experience. Remember that every experience is unique, as are you. There's no right or wrong, only what feels good and right for you. Embrace the process, allow yourself to explore, and patiently cultivate awareness of your body and its responses. And most importantly, remember to enjoy every moment on this path of erotic discovery. Happy exploring!

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