How To Use A G-Spot Vibrator For Better Orgasms

Learn how to use a G-spot vibrator to unlock mind-blowing, back-arching pleasure with these easy tips and techniques. 

Published May 22 2024 9 min read

Let’s dispel one myth up front: the G-spot is real. And this ever-elusive erogenous zone continues to penetrate our curiosity. What does G-spot stimulation feel like? How do I find it? While it’s out of sight, it’s not out of reach with G-spot vibrators. These vibrators are specifically designed to stimulate the G-spot, resulting in what many women dub “the Holy Grail” of female orgasms, which explains why women use G-spot vibrators. Before you get too excited, here's the download on how to use a G-spot vibrator to unlock mind-blowing orgasms. Thank us later.

What is a G-spot vibrator?

The intention of this vibrator is in the name! A G-spot vibrator is a type of vibrator designed to stimulate the internal erogenous zone in the vagina called the G-spot. A G-spot vibrator is typically a vibrator that has a curve or is flexible to bend and target the G-spot. This is because the G-spot is located at an angle on the front wall of the vagina, so a curved shape has a better chance of reaching it. Think of the infamous come-hither motion done with fingers to stimulate the G-spot – same concept!

Choose the right G-spot vibrator for you

The key to finding the G-spot is all about having the right tool, aka a G-spot vibrator. It may be tempting to use any vibrator for this purpose, and while that’s always an option, if you really want to hit the right spot, you want a G-spot vibrator. A G-spot vibrator is a vibrator specifically designed with a curve or bend that makes finding the G-spot easier. But not all G-spot vibrators are created equal. Prioritize vibrators made with body-safe materials like medical-grade silicone since it will be used internally. Consider a vibrator with multiple vibration patterns and intensity levels to give you full control of customizing your pleasure just the way you want it. A G-spot vibrator that ticks all these boxes is Poco. This bendable G-spot vibrator can mimic the bend of a human finger to expertly hit the spot. It's super easy to use and can adapt to different bodies and sex positions.

Charge and clean your G-spot vibrator

Before using your G-spot vibrator for the first time, fully charge the vibrator so it doesn’t die during your “me time”. (Talk about anti-climactic!) And remember, regular charging keeps your vibrator ready for play. Even though it’s “new,” cleaning your vibrator is also recommended before using it for the first time and, of course, after every use. Use warm water and mild soap or a sex toy cleaner, then let it air dry completely before storing it in a cool, dry place.

Create the perfect mood for play

Take time to create ambiance and an environment that makes you want to play. Setting and getting in the mood are arguably the most important parts of enjoying your experience with a G-spot vibrator. There’s no formula for how you do this, so play around to find the perfect combination of things that works for you. Some people prefer a soft, dimly lit room, while others enjoy complete darkness as sensory deprivation of sight can heighten the sensation of touch. Put on some ambient music, light scented candles, or indulge in a bath. If the environment isn’t as important as your mindset, then other options include reading erotica, listening to audio porn, or watching ethical porn to get your erotic imagination going.

Get aroused and warm your body up

Before you insert your G-spot vibrator, you want to be aroused. When you’re aroused, the blood flow inside your vagina increases, making it easier to find your G-spot and further arouse it since blood flow also increases sensitivity. This heightened sensitivity makes pleasure from stimulating the G-spot even more intense.

If you know how you like to touch yourself, then go for it! If you need some suggestions, touch yourself on less sensitive erotic zones like the neck, breasts, and inner thighs. These areas respond well to gentle touch. As you build up arousal, gradually move on to more sensitive areas like the vulva, clitoris, and anus. You can start with gentle external stimulation using your hands or a vibrator before transitioning to internal stimulation. This gradual progression helps increase arousal and sensitivity, preparing your body for more intense pleasure. Take a little time to understand how your G-spot vibrator works by giving it a test run on your hand or other less sensitive erogenous zones. This will help you get the hang of it and maximize its G-spot magic.

Find your G-Spot

If you're new to exploring your G-spot, it's a good idea to locate it with your finger before using a vibrator. The G-spot is located at slightly different areas inside the front wall of the vagina, so have patience while trying to locate it the first time. Unless you are aroused, the G-spot may not feel like much, so it’s recommended to be aroused before locating the G-spot.

Get into a comfortable position, whether on your back or sitting with your legs spread, and gently insert a finger about 1-3 inches inside your vagina. Curl your finger toward your belly button to locate the G-spot. It's typically about two inches in, but remember that individual anatomy can vary, so you might need to adjust your finger position slightly up, right, or left.

As you explore, pay attention to the texture of the wall of the vagina. The G-spot may feel different compared to the surrounding tissue. It could be swollen, hard, bumpy, ridged, or even spongy. Remember, everyone's experience with the G-spot is unique. It can be elusive, but it does exist! So don't be discouraged if it takes some patient exploration and experimentation to find it.

Use lots of lubricant

While the vagina can self-lubricate, it may not provide sufficient moisture for comfortable vibrator use. That's where personal lubricants come in, ensuring smoother transitions and heightened sensitivity to amp up the pleasure. When picking a lube, it's super important to choose one that works well with your body and vibrator. For example, if you are using a silicone vibrator, then water-based lube is recommended. Before play, apply your lubricant of choice to your vibrator and genitals for a better experience. Using enough lube reduces friction and makes everything feel way more enjoyable. Start with a small amount to test comfort and add more if needed.

Insert your G-Spot vibrator

Gently insert your vibrator with the curved part facing up into your vagina. Aim for a depth of about 1 to 3 inches. Listen to your body and take it slow. Don't apply too much pressure or force, as it might cause discomfort or pain. If something doesn't feel right, try gentler movements instead. Remember, what works for one person may not work for another, so be patient and experiment to find techniques that you enjoy and feel comfortable with. The most important thing is understanding and respecting your body's signals for a safe and enjoyable experience.

Experiment with different techniques and settings

This is where the real fun happens! Once you've found your G-spot (again), try out different movements like rocking motions, short, quick in-and-out movements, circular, or a "come here" motion that mimics finger stimulation. Experiment with applying pressure at different depths and points during stimulation. If your G-spot vibrator has multiple speeds, try out different speeds and intensities to discover what feels best for you. Start with the lowest vibration speed and gradually increase the intensity, or vice versa. There’s no shortage of combinations! If you have a remote control vibrator like Poco, then you can really dial in your personal preferences with the MysteryVibe App, which lets you connect remotely to create custom vibration patterns and even control each motor individually.

Try different masturbation positions

Vibration intensity isn’t the only factor that determines pleasure and sensation. Positions play a big role in how pleasurable G-spot stimulation feels. There are a ton of female masturbation positions that amp up G-spot stimulation, but here are a few classics:

  1. Lying on your back: Classic and easy access to the G-spot. Just lie on your back, pop a pillow under your head and hips, and reach down to use your vibrator. This position gives open access to your clitoris and G-spot.
  2. Lying on your stomach: Lie on your stomach with a pillow under your hips, reach around or down between your legs, and insert your G-spot vibrator.
  3. Seated: If you prefer a seated position on a chair or the edge of a bed, you're in for a treat. Some people find this position to be extra enjoyable.
  4. Doggy style: Get on all fours on your hands and knees. This position creates an upward angle, making it easier to stimulate the G-spot. Short and sweet thrusts with steady pressure work like magic in this position.

Stimulate other erogenous zones, too!

The female body is covered in sensitive erogenous zones beyond just the G-spot and clitoris. Explore your other erogenous zones, like the nipples, clitoris, vulva, and anus, while using your G-spot vibrator. Arousing multiple erogenous zones can increase overall pleasure and lead to a blended orgasm. Try wearing nipple clamps while using your G-spot vibrator. Or use your fingers to stroke your breasts and clitoris while using your G-spot vibrator to really dial up pleasure.


There are many ways to dial up the intensity of G-spot pleasure, and using a G-spot vibrator is a classic favorite. These uniquely curved vibrators are designed to help you reach the pinnacle of pleasure by finding the elusive G-spot with ease and introducing a world of sensations that your fingers, hands, and tongues can’t quite replicate. Now, if you’re satisfied with G-spot orgasms and want to elevate to the next level of back-arching, mind-blowing pleasure, then learning how to squirt with a vibrator is your next adventure. See you there!

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