4 Ways The Crescendo 2 Vibrator Helps You Learn Pompoir

Crescendo 2 is your most powerful ally in your journey towards training pompoir, whether you’re learning by yourself or with a step-by-step program, like the Gohddess program.

Published Mar 21 2024 7 min read

Guest post by Gohddess.

In 1948, Dr. Arnold Kegel took the world by storm by showing the overwhelmingly positive results of pelvic floor exercises (aka “Kegels”) in reversing urinary incontinence and organ prolapse. Since then, there’s not a woman in the world who isn’t familiar with the other “positive benefits” of pelvic floor exercises, aka improved sexual pleasure

But, what you may not know is that Kegels are the foundation of a much bigger, largely forgotten sexual practice that some of the most powerful women in history (think Cleopatra or Diane de Poitiers) were believed to have mastered. 

We’re talking about pompoir. The practice of completely controlling your pelvic floor muscles to be able to squeeze, milk, lock, whip, pulse, and even twist your partner using only your vagina.

Those learning pompoir said they experienced completely new levels of pleasure and orgasm (as did their partners!).

Besides pompoir being an incredibly impressive skill, pelvic floor training has several health benefits for female sexuality, including: 

And Kegels – called “pulling” in the pompoir community – are just the tip of the iceberg.

How To Use Crescendo 2 To Learn Pompoir A.K.A. Vaginal Gymnastics!

We’ve already written an entire guide on how to start training pompoir and learn this secret practice.

And today is your lucky day, because you’re going to learn how you can use the Crescendo 2 vibrator to master the most impressive pompoir moves and become an absolute vaginal Olympic gymnast

Crescendo 2’s vibrations help strengthen your pelvic floor

Vibrations help you to tone and strengthen your pelvic floor during your quest to become a vaginal Olympian.

A recent systematic review looked at 17 studies that evaluated the effects of vibratory therapy in female pelvic floor health and sexual function. Vibrations are proven to help increase blood flow, especially when applied internally to the pelvic floor and adequate blood flow to the pelvic floor is essential for proper functioning.

The studies concluded that the use of vibrations in the vagina can be an effective strategy not only to enhance women’s sexual experience, but to improve pelvic floor muscle function, and that given the promising results of the current literature, vibrators should be further studied for pelvic floor health.

Not all vibrations (or vibrators) are as effective in helping strengthen the pelvic floor. Clinically proven to improve pelvic pain, Crescendo 2’s bendable design and fully customizable end-to-end motors really sets it apart as it can precisely target all the hard-to-reach areas of the pelvic floor. Vibrations are multi-faceted, helping to improve muscle coordination as well as relax and release tender spots within the pelvic floor, which may be necessary with all the vaginal gymnastics you’re doing!

It is estimated that 30-50% of women don’t know how to actively contract their pelvic floor muscles, mainly because they don’t know how to find them or engage them. Crescendo 2, with its bendability and 6 strategically placed motors help create the initial awareness with tactile feedback of where your pelvic floor muscles are.

Crescendo 2 can help you identify different parts of the vagina

When you do a Kegel, what you’re essentially doing is lifting the pelvic floor muscles that surround your vagina. In pompoir terms, this up and down movement is working the vertical axis of the vagina.

Working this axis allows you to gain strength quite quickly, and perform pompoir skills such as sucking, fluttering, and a fan favorite, milking (also known as the “vaginal handjob”).

But in order to master more advanced pompoir, you also want to work your vagina from all directions, or the two other axes of the vagina:

  • The transverse axis - Learning how to move the left and right walls of your vagina, independently to create pompoir moves such as squeezing, whipping, and tilting.
  • The sagittal axis - Learning how to move the front and back walls of your vagina, independently to create pompoir moves such as rocking, massaging, and stroking.

In order to perform all of these ridiculously pleasurable moves, you need to first identify all of the regions of your vaginal muscles.

See, the vagina is not a perfect cylinder tube. It is more like a flat tube sock at its front and back, which is why your gynecologist uses a speculum to open it when doing your yearly checkups.

It also isn’t aligned in a perfect 180 degree or 90 degree angle from its entrance.

Understanding this anatomy is crucial if you want to learn how to milk, whip, and twist away at your partner.

This is where Crescendo 2’s bendability, six motors and the MysteryVibe app come in.

Because this vibrator is so ergonomic and bendable, you’ll be able to adjust it to the specific shape of your vagina and identify the different regions of your vaginal canal as you practice pompoir. And with the MysteryVibe app, you can design your own choreography of vibrations across all 6 of Crescendo 2’s motors to create the feedback that works best for you.

These 6 motors are perfect for identifying the different regions of your vaginal canal.

Take pompoir moves like sucking or pulsing. These two exercises work the deepest levels of the vagina to create delicious friction against your A-spot. To master these moves, you could use the MysteryVibe app to create a vibration pattern that only occurs at the tip of the Crescendo 2.

How To Use Crescendo 2 To Learn Pompoir A.K.A. Vaginal Gymnastics!

So, when Crescendo 2 is inside of you, you’ll be able to tell precisely which parts of your muscle you should activate during those deep stimulation exercises.

We will be releasing specific guides on how to use Crescendo 2’s vibration patterns for different pompoir moves, like the milking technique, aka how to give a vaginal handjob.  

Crescendo 2 provides tactile feedback to help you learn

As anyone who practices pompoir will tell you, it’s one thing to practice these exercises on your own, and a very different thing to perform them on your partner in the midst of passion.

In the Gohddess Program the term functional training is used to refer to the training methodology of recreating an environment that closely resembles that of sex during individual practice.

For example, it is encouraged to do pompoir exercises in different positions, like sitting down or standing up, so that the pelvic floor muscles are used to performing them in a variety of different angles.

Another crucial aspect of making pompoir functional is including internal resistance, which means performing exercises while having something pressing against the vaginal muscles, just like a penis, sex toy, or finger does during sex.

In this way, using Crescendo 2 to test out your new skills before you bring them to the bedroom is ideal. It provides the internal resistance for your muscles to work against, as well as some extra sensory cues and tactile feedback to better understand and practice many of these advanced exercises.

Just like Kegel balls help you passively strengthen your pelvic floor by sitting on top of your muscles and providing resistance, a vibrator can be utilized for the same purpose. Only a vibrator, with its elongated shape, will further develop all the muscle fibers running along the vaginal canal, in order to support its weight. When contracting and releasing your pelvic floor muscles, having Crescendo 2 vibrating inside of you will provide resistance and tactile feedback to understand where and what you’re contracting.

One quick note though: performing these exercises, which are specifically designed for your pleasure, on the ultra-pleasurable Crescendo 2 vibrator, which is also specifically designed for your pleasure, can prove to be quite distracting when you’re trying to focus on learning a new skill.

So, consider this when you’re thinking of trying a new move on Crescendo 2. It’s very likely that your training session will be cut short to make space for some “me” time.  

Rock & twist with Crescendo 2 which can adapt to your unique vagina

Another way in which Crescendo 2 can help you turn into a vaginal Olympic gymnast because it has the unique ability to bend and adapt to the shape of your vagina.

This is very beneficial for learning pompoir because the vagina is not a perfect cylinder – rather it is a flat tube, with the front and back walls much closer together than its lateral sides.

When training pompoir, you need to learn how to perform moves that involve squeezing the vagina’s left and right walls as well as moves that squeeze the anterior and posterior walls.

And Crescendo 2’s flat top and bottom make understanding this process much more intuitive.

Rocking, for example, is a pompoir exercise that alternate between pressing the front and the back of the vagina, essentially maneuvering a penis, or other object, back and forth while stimulating the G-spot. Crescendo 2 helps you learn this move faster because the vibrator’s top and bottom are flat, smooth, and close together, giving feedback in the right places in the right way.

Whipping, on the other hand, requires you to squeeze the lateral walls of your vagina together, while subsequently alternating between the different vertical levels of the vaginal canal (from the entrance to the cervix). This move requires more strength and precision, and Crescendo 2’s round edges provide unmistakable cues to isolate these muscle fibers.

Finally, twisting, one of the biggest achievements in pompoir, is also made simpler thanks to Crescendo 2. This move requires next-level control of the corners of the vaginal canal, and coordinating the front, back, left, and right walls of your vagina.

How To Use Crescendo 2 To Learn Pompoir A.K.A. Vaginal Gymnastics!

Because of the four distinct sides of Crescendo 2 (two flat and two round), you can manipulate the vibrator inside you with ease, and in return, it will provide a visual cue of the progress. Few things are as exhilarating as noticing you’re able to twist a vibrator using only your vaginal muscles.

The only feeling that triumphs it is, perhaps, being able to bring this move into the bedroom, and twist a penis using only your vaginal muscles.

A Lot More to Discover

It should come as no surprise that the FDA-registered Crescendo 2, with it’s ergonomic doctor-design and targeted vibrations, are perfect for training your pelvic floor. From providing you with tactile feedback to molding to the shape that works best with your vagina, these are the main ways that Crescendo 2 can help you accelerate your pompoir journey to become a quintessential sex goddess.

If you’re ready to learn pompoir and dive into the world of vaginal gymnastics, a good resource is The Gohddess Method book, which includes tutorials and explains how to practice and the art of pompoir. Alternatively, get the step-by-step program that teaches you every single pompoir exercise, try the Ohlympus program at 25% off today.

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